Carte : Silman s Chess Odyssey - Jeremy Silman
Jocuri de societate - pagina 23
2176 produse
CARTE (cartonata): Key Elements of Chess Tactics by Georgy Lisitsin. Hardcover
CARTE (cartonata) : Boris Spassky s Best Games 1. 1948-1968: The Rising Star
Joc de societate: Identitate secreta
S.O.S. DINO, Loki, 6-7 ani +
Joc: Disney Princess. Race'n Chase
Joc de societate: Carcassonne. Editia de iarna
MARRAKECH, Gigamic, 8-9 ani +
Drop It (EN)
16% 199 LEIJoc de societate Quarto, Gigamic, 8-9 ani +
Wingspan - Extensia Asia (RO)
11% 199 LEICarte: Sicilian Defense: The Chelyabinsk Variation : Its Past, Present and Future - Gennadi Timoshchenko
Carte : Endgame Strategy - The Revised and Expanded Edition of a Chess Classic - Mikhail Shereshevsky
Cina la Paris, joc de societate, 10 ani +
Joc de societate: Hedbanz Lightspeed
Joc de societate: Talk To the Hand
CARTE ( cartonata) : 1000 Chess Problems by Yakov Vladimirov
KATAMINO FAMILY, Gigamic, 2-3 ani +
Carte : The Essence of Chess Strategy - Volume 1 : Strategic Elements - Boroljub Zlatanovic
Carte : Chess Structures - A Grandmaster Guide Mauricio Flores Rios
Ludo park Djeco, primele 4 jocuri, 1-2 ani +
Joc de cooperare Misiune de salvare in spatiu, Peaceable Kingdom, +7 ani
Carte (cartonata) : Understanding Chess Exchanges.Expert insights into using exchanges as a strategic weapon
Scrabble matematic- Cross Math, joc de societate 2-4 jucatori, MindWare, + 7 ani
Carte : Dvoretsky s Endgame Manual, ed. a V-a - Mark Dvoretsky
Carte ( cartonata ) : Keep It Simple for Black - Christof Sielecki
Chess Endgames for Club Players - Herman Grooten
Joc de sortare - Cutia magica, Chalk and Chuckles, 3-6 ani
Anand Files ( cartonata ) - Michiel Abeln
Joc de cooperare si strategie Magia Cerului, Peaceable Kingdom, +5 ani
The Art of Endgame - Revised Edition (Hardcover)
Harry Potter: Trivia Vrajitorilor (RO)
CARTE (cartonata) : Turbo-Charge your Tactics 1 , Drive Your Improvement by Vladimir Grabinsky and Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko
Carte : Keep It Simple 1.d4 - Christof Sielecki
Joc: Harry Potter. Trivia vrajitorilor
Joc: 80 Days
Keep it Simple 1. e4 - 2.0
Joc de societate - Scarabya
Cluedo - Harry Potter (EN)
Joc: Monopoly Junior Discover
King of New York (EN)
16% 189 LEIIn Black and White: The Chess Autobiography of a World Champion Candidate
Joc de cooperare si strategie- Gnomes at Night, Peaceable Kingdom, + 6 ani
Carte : The Chess Bible : Most Instructive Tips, Axioms, One- Liners Mantras - Vishnu Warrier
Joc de echilibru In vacanta cu masina, Svoora, 6 ani+
Turnuletul instabil cu buzzer, Topbright, 2-3 ani +
Re-Engineering the the Chess Classics
Pokemon Labyrinth (DE EN ES FR IT NL PT)
Thinkfun - Laser Maze Junior (EN)
Magic Market
Comanauts: An Adventure Book Game (EN)
51% 379 LEILancelot (EN)
21% 249 LEICarte ( cartonata ) : Cambridge Springs 1904 - Robert Sherwood
Set Calatorie Sah, Table, Rulou Mic
16% 219 LEIJoc - Cursa pestisorilor
Joc in limba engleza: Hidden Quest World
Labirintul Magic (RO)
11% 199 LEICyclades - Extensie Titans (RO-EN)
Andor: The Family Fantasy Game (EN)
16% 199 LEIPuluri joc table - sidef - maro - d.36mm
18% 235 LEIThinkfun - Gravity Maze (RO)
Set sport 3 in 1, baschet, fotbal, rugby, 7Toys
Joc Petanque cu 8 bile metalice diametru 74cm, greutate 720 gr. , geanta depozitare
11% 199 LEIMarvel Strike Teams (EN)
34% 299 LEISuper Mario Labyrinth (DE NL SP FR IT EN)
Joc original BEX Kubb Family din lemn de mesteacan, in cutie colorata
11% 199 LEIProfessor Evil and The Citadel of Time (EN)
Carte ( cartonata ) : 100 Endgames You Must Know - Jesus de la Villa
Joc labirint pentru copii: Labyrinth. 100 de ani de Disney
Thinkfun - Domino maze 8 ani+
The Anti - Sicilian Bible
Monopoly - SpongeBob SquarePants (EN)
A Tale of Pirates (EN)
14% 219 LEIFresco Revised Edition (EN DE)
11% 209 LEIScrabble Original
Noctiluca (RO)
Comoara Zmeilor
Harry Potter Labyrinth (EN DE FR IT SP NL)
Carte : On the Origin of Good Moves: A Skeptic s Guide to Getting Better at Chess - Willy Hendriks (cartonata si necartonata)
Monopoly - Pokemon (EN)
Trivial Pursuit (EN)
Joc de masa 2 in 1: Pinball si Ludo
Puluri joc table din lemn de maslin - maro - d.37mm
18% 235 LEINew York Zoo (EN)