Sicilian Structures - Part 2: Taimanov - Kan - Richter Rauzer - Herman Grooten
Jocuri de societate - pagina 22
2176 produse
Carte : Genius in the Background - Tibor Karolyi Nick Aplin
Carte: Play the Scandinavian - Christian Bauer
Joc Harry Potter (ro) - Batalia de la hogwarts: aparare contra magiei negre
Carte ( cartonata ) : Analyzing the Chess Mind - Boris Gulko Dr. Joel R. Sneed
CARTE: Games and Goals The Fascinating Chess and Football Careers of Simen Agdestein
Carte: The Fully- Fledged French - Viktor Moskalenko
QUANTIK, Gigamic, 8-9 ani +
11% 165 LEIJoc de strategie Djeco, Twisty, 6-7 ani +
Joc remi rummy Piatra Medias
12% 179 LEIBeat the Dutch Defense - Jan Boekelmann
Carte: The Italian Renaissance I: Move Orders, Tricks and Alternatives - Martyn Kravtsiv
Trivial Pursuit - Harry Potter Ultimate (EN)
16% 199 LEISet sah tabla si piese din lemn, 38 x 38 cm
Puluri joc table - sidef Rosu - d.36 mm
30% 235 LEIJoc de indemanare Totem zen Djeco, 6-7 ani +
Joc de societate pentru copii Casuta soriceilor, Gigamic, 4-5 ani +
Joc Razie in frigider, Svoora, 6 ani+
Carte: The Italian Renaissance II: The Main Lines - Martyn Kravtsiv
Set Sah, Table, Dame, Moara, Zaruri, Domino, Mikado, Carti de Joc, mic
Carte ( cartonata ) : Winning - Nigel Short
Mysterium (RO)
20% 209 LEIEndgame Labyrinths (Hardcover)
SCARABYA, Blue Orange, 10-11 ani +
Joc de societate Atinge si Gaseste
Carte : The Ink War - Romanticism versus Modernity in Chess - Willy Hendriks
Cluedo - Batman (EN)
16% 199 LEICluedo - Dungeons Dragons (EN)
16% 199 LEIMedici (EN)
Korchnoi and his Chess Grandchildren - Vladimir Barsky (cartonata)
Lord of The Rings: Adventure to Mount Doom (EN)
15% 169 LEILearn from Bent Larsen - Mihail Marin (cartonata si necartonata)
Joc de societate pentru copii Dragon Market, Blue Orange, 6-7 ani +
Carte : Spassky s Best Games - A Chess Biography - Alexey Bezgodov and Dmitry Oleinikov
Monopoly , Dinosaurs (EN)
16% 199 LEIZwischenzug! A Comprehensive Guide to Intermediate Moves by Matthew BALL, Natasha Regan
Rock Solid Chess - Volume 2 Tiviakov s Unbeatable Strategies: Piece Play
Learn from Bent Larsen - Mihail Marin (cartonata si necartonata)
Catan - Extensie Pirati si Exploratori 2-4 (RO)
Disney Villains Labyrinth (DE FR IT NL EN ES PT)
11% 189 LEICarte : Everyone s First Chess Workbook - Peter Giannatos
Joc de cooperare Unicorni sclipiciosi, Peaceable Kingdom, +4 ani
Chess Alchemist
Joc de societate: Share and Sparkle Unicorns
Joc de societate: Mama Natura
The Modernized Arkhangelsk Variation - Viktor Erdos
Cluedo - Rick and Morty (EN)
16% 199 LEIImperial Settlers: Roll Write (EN)
Bunny Boo (RO)
16% 160 LEIDisney Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit (EN)
Trucky 3 (RO)
16% 160 LEICarte ( cartonata ): King s Kalashnikov Sicilian - A Dynamic Black Repertoire for Club Players - Daniel King
Smart Games - Froggit, 6+ ani
Monopoly - Elf (EN)
16% 199 LEIFunko Funkoverse: DC 102 2-Pack (EN)
11% 189 LEICarte : Science of Strategy - Alexander Kotov
Joc de societate: Destination Mars
Camelot Jr. (RO)
16% 160 LEIJoc de cooperare si strategie Cazanul Vrajitorului, Peaceable Kingdom, +7 ani
Joc de societate: What Do You Meme? - For the Girls
Mozaic magnetic, Insula sirenelor - Sparkle mosaics, Mermaid Island, Peaceable Kingdom, +3 ani
KRAKEN ATTACK, Loki, 6-7 ani +
Joc: Sixth!
King of Tokyo (RO)
12% 169 LEICluedo - The Big Bang Theory (EN)
16% 199 LEITava mare cu 6 zaruri , piele ecologica
Set Sah, Table, Dame, Moara, Zaruri, Domino, Mikado, Carti de Joc de dimensiune mica
Joc Thinkfun,7Toys
Carte : Sicilian Structures - Part 1: Najdorf Scheveningen - Herman Grooten
1. e4! The Chess Bible
Carte: 50 Mistakes You Should Know - Jesus De la Villa
Carte: Think like Ivanchuk - Viktor Moskalenko
Joc magnetic Imbraca banana Best, 2-4 jucatori, MindWare, + 4 ani
QUEENDOMINO, Blue Orange, 10-11 ani +
Carte: Improve Your Chess Calculation- The Ramesh Chess Course, Volume 1- Ramesh RB
Carte: Man vs. Machine - Challenging Human Supremacy at Chess - Karsten Muller Jonathan Schaeffer
Joc de Societate - Ghost in the attic
Joc Sah si Table 44 cm
Joc Rummy Medias
Newton (EN) - Editie noua + Extensie The Great Descoveries
21% 219 LEIJoc Epic Tic tac toe, Svoora, 6 ani+
Carte : Formation Attacks - Joel Johnson
Life at Play - A Chess Memoir - Lubomir Kavalek (cartonata)
Kaufman s New Repertoire for Black and White - Larry Kaufman