Dream Runners (EN)
11% 159 LEIJocuri de societate - pagina 20
2179 produse
Team Edition Labyrinth (RO)
13% 159 LEIGM Preparation - Calculation 2nd Edition - Jacob Aagaard
Carte : 100 Endgame Patterns You Must Know - Jesus de la Villa
Joc de strategie Quartino Djeco, 6-7 ani +
Catan - Extensie Navigatorii 3-4 (RO)
Joc de societate - Twisty
Carti de joc imbracate in aur 24K
Joc de cooperare Zboara, Bufnita, zboara!, Peaceable Kingdom, +4 ani
Catan - Legenda Cuceritorilor, Editie Aniversara (RO)
Alice in Wordland (EN)
Thinkfun - Laser Maze (RO)
23% 179 LEICarte : The Magnus Method - Emmanuel Neiman
Joc de societate - Diamant
Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle: Extensie The Monster Box of Monsters (EN)
Splendor (RO)
Puluri joc table - sidef Albastru- d.36 mm
30% 235 LEIJoc de societate: Carcassonne. Vanatori si Culegatori
Carte : In the Zone: The Greatest Winning Streaks in Chess History - Cyrus Lakdawala
Walls of York (EN)
Swordcrafters (EN)
12% 169 LEIPlaying the Sveshnikov
Carti de joc foita Aur 24K ( poker ) + certificat de autenticitate
Joc educativ Londji, Invat 6 limbi straine, 6-7 ani +
221B Baker Street - Sherlock Holmes (RO)
15% 169 LEICarte : The Longest Game - Jan Timman
Turnul instabil, New Classic Toys, 2-3 ani +
Murder At Luxury Resort - Dosar
It s a wonderful Kingdom (EN)
11% 159 LEICarte: Centre - Stage and Behind the Scenes: The Personal Memoir of a Soviet Chess Legend - Yuri Averbakh
Jocul Colour Brain. Puneti creierul la lucru
Fischer - Spassky 1972 - Tibor Karolyi
Joc de societate: Hedbanz
Joc Katudi Djeco, de observatie si comunicare, 2-3 ani +
Joc de asociere, meserii, Londji, 2-3 ani +
Album : Magnus Carlsen - A Life in Pictures
Joc interactiv Super spionul cuvintelor, Chalk and Chuckles, 2-3 ani +
Joc matematic - Long Legs, Chalk and Chuckles, 6-7 ani +
Carte: Playing the Grunfeld - A Combative Repertoire - Alexey Kovalchuk
Botvinnik versus Smyslov and Petrosian
25% 200 LEIJurassic Parts (EN)
Carte : An Attacking Repertoire for White with 1.d4 - Viktor Moskalenko
Vegas Showdown (EN)
11% 159 LEIJoc Djeco cu sunete Memo Meuh, 2-3 ani +
Tava cu 6 zaruri in forma de Octogon
Carte : Winning with the Najdorf Sicilian: An Uncompromising Repertoire for Black - Zaven Andriasyan
Set de sah din sticla
Joc de cooperare Cursa spre comoara, Peaceable Kingdom, +5 ani
Carte ( cartonata ): The Road to Reykjavik- Bobby Fischer s Incredible Journey to the World Championship - Tibor Karolyi
Carte : The Complete French Advance - Evgeny Sveshnikov Vladimir Sveshnikov
Onitama (EN)
GoFunnel. The eCommerce game
Carte : The Hippopotamus Defence - Alessio de Santis
Carte : GM Repertoire : King s Indian 2 - Gawain Jones
Joc labirint Egmont toys, 4-5 ani +
Joc ruleta Egmont toys, 4-5 ani +
Joc de societate Insula piratilor, Djeco, 5 ani+
Joc Antimonopoly, 7Toys
PAPPY WINCHESTER, Blue Orange, 10-11 ani +
CARLA CAT, Huch and friends, 4-5 ani +
Carte : The Rossolimo for Club Players - Victor Bologan
Tangoes Jr. (EN)
17% 180 LEIMonster Bande - Joc cu Monstri Gemeni
Diamond Quest (RO)
16% 130 LEIHorse Academy (RO)
16% 130 LEIPaperback Card Game (EN)
Carte : How to Out- Prepare Your Opponent - Jeroen Bosch
Carte: Coffeehouse Repertoire 1. e4 - Volume 1 - Gawain Jones
Carte: Coffeehouse Repertoire 1. e4 - Volume 2 - Gawain Jones
Catan - Extensie Negustori si Barbari 2-4 (RO)
Monopoly Junior Patrula Catelusilor - Paw Patrol (RO) - Editia 2024
15% 149 LEIBarrage , Extensie Leeghwater Project (EN)
Carte: Zlotnik s Treasure Trove- Enjoyable Chess Training for Amateurs (1600- 2200 Elo)- Boris Zlotnik
Joc de strategie: Capcana
Joc - art museum
Carte ( cartonata ) : GM Repertoire 18 : The Sicilian Sveshnikov - Vassilios Kotronias
Joc de cooperare Londji, Povesti, + 8 ani
Joc de societate Jungle taquin, Djeco, 6 ani+
Dream Moves Eye-Opening Chess Lessons for Improvers by Miron Sher
How I became a Chess Grandmaster
Harry Potter - Batalia de la Hogwarts: Jocul de baza (RO)
45% 269 LEICarte : The Silicon Road to Chess Improvement - Matthew Sadler
Carte : Understanding Minor Piece Endgames - Karsten Muller Yakov Konoval